Outreach Events

In the TRR 266, we intend to help develop effective regulation for firm transparency and a transparent tax system. With our outreach events we would like to offer a platform that promotes the exchange between practice, politics and research. A platform that provides us, the TRR 266 researchers, with new impulses for practice-relevant research – and gives company representatives, regulators and politicians answers to important questions.

Since the exchange of ideas is highly important to us, we do not only use established formats such as presentations, but also panel discussions and intense breakout sessions with all conference participants. In this format we split up into several smaller groups with specific topics and discuss this from different viewpoints (scientific, regulatory, political, entrepreneurial).

Our outreach events are co-hosted by the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft e.V..

Upcoming Event

On June 24, 2025 we will host the TRR 266 Forum at LMU Munich. More information will follow soon.

Past events


Are you interested in our outreach events or need more information? Please get in touch with us!

Deborah Schanz
LMU Munich
Principal Investigator A05 C03 schanz@lmu.de Visit website

Julia Gördes
Paderborn University
Science Communication Officer C03 Z julia.goerdes@upb.de

Wanda Feldkamp
LMU Munich
Science Communication Officer C03 feldkamp@lmu.de

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